Hurricane Matthew Relief Project

When we started Kingdom Goals, we never imagined we will be assisting with disaster relief. That shows all of us that our plan is not God plan. Donation and phone calls started coming in for Haiti before we made up our mind to go back and help.

The strongest Hurricane in half a century to hit Haiti. 145 MPH wind and 36 inches of rainfall. The earthquake might had passed but the hard days were ahead of the people that was affected. The people lost everything they were depending on, their houses, crops, livestock. Our Co-director Gary had the chance to experience that first hand, and he said “going to Haiti was not a burden but an opportunity and a blessing to serve”. Our staff played a vital role in helping to secure enough donations to ease the hunger of over 300 people and donated 100 pieces of galvanize. Thank you to all who contributed and continue to support our organization. You are welcome to watch the video through our youtube channel link

Kingdom Goals

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