

We started our original program in December 2014 with 20 children in a small living room of a family’s home and we have grown to provide for over 246 children. More than half of our students were behind in school and many others could not start school because of a previous balance. The Sponsorship is $25 a month, which cover school tuition, uniform, and other needed school supplies. Our desire is to take care of them physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually but we can only do this with your help.



Kerva, Pierre (Need Sponsorship)

Noël Stanley (Need Sponsorship)


Haitil, Roudjina (Need Sponsorship)


Pierre, Abimaël (Sponsored)


Mildor, Twessy (Sponsored)


Paul, Fabianca (Need Sponsorship)


Maxi, Mark Laurens (Need Sponsorship)


Saint Fleur, Ruth Shama (Need Sponsorship)


Joseph, Leïka (Need Sponsorship)


Mitch Keïsha, Fertilus (Need Sponsorship)


Francois Lauren Gueva (Need Sponsorship)


Saint-Fort Jasmine (Sponsored)


Sucar, Yolnise (Need Sponsorship)


Dupre, Tania (Sponsored)


Pierre, Naimar Junior (Need Sponsorship)


Eugene, Stephania (Need Sponsorship)


Saint-Charles, Neoudana (Sponsored)


Nelson Bien-Aime (Need Sponsorship)


Stessie, Poitevien (Sponsored)


Harris, Stainly (Need Sponsorship)


Jean Paul Jade Leila (Need Sponsorship)


Lordeus, Wilderson (Sponsored)


Isma, Charmenciara (Need Sponsorship)


Joachim Jeremiah Micah (Sponsored)


Dormeus, Dorothy (sponsored)


Jean Noel, Malaika (Sponsored)


Jean Handell, Watts (Sponsored)


Alexandre, Samuelli (Need Sponsorship)